Potty Training with Pampers

One of the things first time moms worry about is the moment we potty train our baby. I do not know about you all, but I had a lot of questions on this topic. For example, what is the best age to start? What am I going to use? Is it going to take me a long time? And above all, is Diego going to resist the change?

I bought his potty a long time ago and I would always sit him on it so he could get used to the process. He always saw it as a game (or toy), and it was not until the moment drew closer in which he would really use it that I told myself, “I need more than just a potty to be able to train him successfully.” That is when I found Pampers Easy Ups. Pampers Easy Ups are definitely the best ally to start the training process with Diego. Since the first day I put it on him, he loved it. He actually did not want me to put anything else on him except for his Pampers. This diaper has unique characteristics since Easy Ups look, fit, and feel like real underwear while providing the outstanding leak protection you’d expect from Pampers.

Your little ones will think its underwear, but you’ll know its Pampers. Some of my tips that worked with Diego include:


You should designate an area to put his potty.


Create an ideal environment so your baby feels comfortable.


Create a routine for your baby to go to the restroom after meals.


Explain to your baby how to go to the restroom.


Motivate your baby to use the potty training and praise him/ her when they go alone.

I admit that Diego is enjoying his new potty training process very much, since he feels more independent now that he’s using his new Pampers Easy Ups; he can bring them down and back up when he needs. As a mother, it is a lot simpler to handle this process without fear of the disasters. Potty training has a name and it is called Pampers Easy Ups. Diego and I love to use Pampers Easy Ups and thousands of other parents agree since Easy Ups were awarded 2017’s Best New Product Award!

Spanglishfashion in collaboration with Pampers.